Hong Kong Computer Society Industry Development & Policy Committee

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2007����(�s�{)��ګH�����~�g - ��ڥ��~CIO ���p�׾�

The Guangzhou IT- Week 2007 - International CIO Summit 8 November

Summit Theme: ��Information Technology Enhance Creative Development, Information Application Increase Competition Advantages��


Venue: Asia International Hotel, Guangzhou �a �I: 廣州 �Ȭw��ڤj�s��

Address: No.326, Section 1, Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou, China �a�}:����s�F�ټs�{�������F��326��

The year's biggest IT event in Guangzhou, Guangzhou IT Week 2007, is held from 6th to 9th, November . Hong Kong Computer Society forms a delegation to participate in one of the sessions, the International CIO Summit, on the 8th November.

The delegation is led by Dr. Johnny Ng. Division Chief, Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of The Central People's Government in The Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Yin Chang Chun is the advisor. Participating members include Robert Fong, Dennis Lee, KT Yung, Philip Yip, Kenneth Lau and Chris Kong.

In the Summit, two of the members of Hong Kong Computer Society, Mr. Daniel Lai, BBS, JP, Distinguished Fellow, and Mr. Raymond Chu, Vice President (Community and Communication) and Internal Affairs, speak among other renowned CEOs of international corporations.

The venue is located in the heart of Guangzhou city. Varieties of forums are arranged at the Asia International Hotel.
The summit is going to be started. The Master of ceremony is Wang Yue Xi.

Dr. Xin Min Ci, Oracle shares his views on IT strategic planning - the opportunity and challenge.

Steven Swann, SoftMaster delivers an impressive presentation on Business Intelligence.

Lin Yan, CIO of Pearl River Brewery shares with audiences about the resources integration and data mining.
Daniel Lai talks about IT Governance Model of a Transportation Organisation.
Group photo of the Hong Kong delegation. Left to right: Yin Chang Chun, KT Yung, Dr Johnny Ng, Raymond Chu, Robert Fong, Alan Kan, Philip Yip, Chris Kong.
After lunch, International CIO seminar is kicked off by Raymond Chu.
Daniel Ng gets ready for his talk on 3D Game. Steve Wang actively involves at the IT Week.
Photos and scripts by Alan Kan