2010 / 2011 Cloud Computing - New Business Model for SMEs |
Date ���: 15 April 2010 (Thursday �P���|) Time �ɶ�:2:30 �V5:15 PM Venue �a�I:Seminar Rooms S222 - 223, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre ����|ij�i�����߷|ij��S222 - 223 Organisers:Hong Kong Trade Development Council ����T���o�i�� �D����c:Hog Kong Linux Industry Association����Linux�ӷ| |
Supported by������c:Hong Kong Productivity Council ����Ͳ��O�P�i��, Hong Kong Computer Society ����q���Ƿ|, Hong Kong Linux User Group����Linux�Τ��|, The Electronic Science and Technology Association of Macau�D���q�l��ǧN��|, Information and Software Industry Association ��T�γn��~�ӷ|, Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center �D���Ͳ��O�[����ಾ����, Information Technology Association ��T��ި�|�]�D���^,Open Source Software Association �}�X�n���|�]�D���^, Opensource Application Knowledge Association �}��t�ά�Ψ�|, Open Standard Support Organization�}���зǬ�ި�i�|, Guangdong Linux Center�s�F��Linux���@�A�ȧN�������, Shenzhen Information Industry Association�`�`���H����~��|, �s�F�}���n�~�o�i�P�i�|, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council �����T����p�|, Internet Professional Association���p���M�~��|, BCS(Hong Kong Section) �^��q���Ƿ|�]������|�^ Supporting Media����C�� : Linux Pilot |
We are on the road to recovery after the financial melt down since 2008. Adoption of information and communication technology to improve the bottom line is inevitable. The evolution of Cloud Computing brings a lot of benefits. Is it a promising trend or just another term? Audiences can share the thoughts from the industry elites. �g��2008�~���ĭ��ɪ����n�A�@�ɥ����V�g�ٴ_�d�A�ĥθ�T�γq�T��ިӧﵽ��B�����O�Ʀb���檺�A���ݹB��a�ӭ��R�ʪ��u�աA�o�O�_��b���ͶթάO�t�@�ӷs�W���A�b�o��Q�|�Ať���i��Ū�椺�M�a���ݪk�C |
Hon. Dr. Samson Tam arrives and greets with guests. |
(Left to right) Alan Kan, Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, Vincent Shiu |
(Left to right)Dennis Kwok, Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, Alan Kan, David Ely |
Welcoming Address �P�w���� Hon. Dr. Samson Tam, JP �ߪk�|ij���Ӱ����դh�ӥ��Ԥh
Keynote speech �D�D�t�� Dennis Kwok, Certified Senior I/T Architect of IBM China IBM ����{�i���Ÿ�T��]�p�v |
Keynote speech �D�D�t�� David Ely, Director of Product Management, Novell Hong Kong |
Considerations of Cloud Computing�ĥζ��ݹB�⪺�Ҽ{Mr. Alan Kan, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association����Linux�ӷ| �D�u ²�A������ |
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Group photo of key guests �Ż��j�X�� |