
在中國內地的第十一份五年計劃之中,軟件行業被確認為重點發展行業之一。 Linux是一個正在不斷冒起的操作系統,究竟Linux與開放源碼會為軟件行業帶來甚麼新商機及趨勢? 又會怎樣影響和幫助中小企? 來自業內不同範疇的資深講者將會於這個研討會中,分享他們對Linux及開放源碼在珠三角地區發展、開放文件格式 (ODF)、軟件發展趨勢、怎樣融合開放源碼於業務和加強香港與泛珠三角在軟件產的合作等題目之遠見。

日期: 2006年4月15日 (星期六)
時間: 上午10:00 - 中午12:30
地點: 香港會議展覽中心406-7室
語言: 廣東話(附設英語及普通話即時傳譯服務)
費用: 全免

- 副政府資訊科技總監 麥鴻崧太平紳士
- 香港Linux商會主席 簡錦源先生
- 廣東省軟件行業協會秘書長 黃躍珍先生
- Linux領航有限公司主編 蕭友強先生
- 香港生產力促進局資訊科技業發展首席顧問 老少聰先生
- 國際商業機器中國香港有限公司 黎志明先生


Seminar on "Pan-PRD Linux / Open Source Development"

As China begins her 11th 5 year plan, software is one of the strategic industries. Linux is an uprising operating system. What are the new opportunities and industry trend that Linux and Open source brought along? How will it influence and benefit the SME and large corporates? Expert speakers from a wide varieties will gather at this seminar to share their views about the latest development of Linux and Open Source in the Pan-PDR Region, Open Document Format (ODF), software development trend, how to integrate Open Source into business and closer collaboration between Hong Kong and Pan-PRD software industry, etc.

Date: 15 April 2006 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 noon
Venue: Rm 406-7, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Language: Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation in English & Mandarin will be arranged)
Admission Fee: Free of Charge

- Mr. Stephen Mak, JP, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer
- Mr. Alan Kan, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
- Mr. Andy Wong, Secretary General, Guangdong Software Industry Association
- Mr. Vincent Shiu, Editor-in-Chief, Linux Pilot
- Mr. Gordon Lo, Principal Consultant, IT Industry Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Mr. Glament Lai, Senior Software Specialist, IBM China

Supporting Organisations: