Past Events

Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation Ceremony
Concurrent : LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Opening Ceremony
Date 4 November 2003
Time 9:00am - 10:20am
Venue Room 601, HKCEC, Wanchai, Hong Kong
9:00 - 9:02   LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Opening Ceremony
Concurent : Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation Ceremony

MC Introduction
9:02 - 9:15   Welcome Speech
1. Mr. Gary Fung, President, World Expo (Asia) Limited
2. Mr. K K Yeung, Executive Director, Hong Kong Productivity Council
3. Mr. Stephen Mak, Acting Director of Information Technology Service, Information Technology Services Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
9:15 - 9:18   Linux World Conference & Expo Opening Ceremony - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
9:18 - 9:20   HKPC MC introduce Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation Ceremony Start
9:20 - 9:30   Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation - Office Automation and Business Application
Presenter: Mr. K K Yeung + Rep. from Oracle
Awardee :  
2 Merit Awards: UA Cinema Circuit Ltd.
  KTE Electrical Manufacturing Ltd.
Grand Award for Enterprise: NTK (HK) Ltd.
9:30 - 9:40   Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation - Infrastructure Building and Communication Application
Presenter: Mr. Felix Chan, President, The Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Ltd. + Dr. Lam Wai Kin, Advisor, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
Awardee :  
2 Merit Awards: Drainage Service Department
  Morgan Stanley Dean Writter Asia Limited
Grand Award for SME: The Hong Kong School Net Limited
Grand Award for Enterprise: Outblaze Limited
9:40 - 10:00   Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation - Educational Application
Presenter: Mr. Stephen Mak + Rep. from ThizLinux Laboratory Limited
Awardee :  
Merit Award for Secondary/Primary School : Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School
Grand Award for Secondary/Primary School The Hong Kong Council of the Church
of Christ in China
2 Merit Awards for Tertiary Institute / Business: Department of Computer Science &
Information Systems, The University of Hong Kong;
Science Faculty, Hong Kong Baptist University
Grand Award for Tertiary Institute / Business: The Hong Kong School Net Limited,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
10:00 - 10:08   Linux Business Adoption Award Presentation - Linux Appliance
Presenter: Hon. Sin Chung Kai, Legislative Councillor (IT) +
Mr. David Chow, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
Awardee :  
2 Merit Awards: Network Applications System Ltd.
  Aha! Technologies Ltd.
Grand Award Network Box Corporation Limited
10:08 - 10:10   Souvenir Presentation
Mr. David Chow, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association present souvenirs to Judges and Officiating Guest:
1. Hon. Sin Chung Kai, Legislative Councillor (IT)
2. Mr. Cheung Woon Hang, Chief Systems Manager, Information Technology Services Department of HKSAR
3. Mr. Charles Chow, General Manager, e-Enterprise Solution Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council
4. Dr. Lam Wai Kin, Advisor, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
5. Mr. Philomuel Ng, Chairman, IT Committee (2001-2002), The Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Ltd.
6. Mr. Stephen Mak, Acting Director of Information Technology Service, Information Technology Services Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
10:10 - 10:20   Photo Session
1st photo: Officiating Guest & VIP Guest

1. Officiating Guest
2. Hon. Sin Chung Kai, Legislative Councillor (IT)
3. Mr. K K Yeung, Executive Director, Hong Kong Productivity Council
4. Mr. David Chow, Chairman, Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
5. Representaive, Trade & Industry Department, HKSAR Government
6. Mr. Felix Chan, President, The Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Ltd.
7. Mr. Gary Fung, President, World Expo (Asia) Limited

2nd Photo: Plus 6 Grand Prize Awardees
3rd Photo: Plus 9 Merit Awardees
10:20   All guests back to seat, MC announce LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Start
Co-organisers: Small & Medium Enterprises Office, Trade & Industry Department, HKSAR Government
The Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Ltd.
Hong Kong Computer Society
Hong Kong Linux User Group
Hong Kong Linux Player Group
World Expo (Asia) Limited
Diamond Sponsor:

Oracle Ltd.

Platinum Sponsors: Thiz Technology Group Ltd.
Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
IBM Ltd.,
ShaoLin Microsystems Ltd.
Mainline Ltd.
Sun Wah-Pearl Linux Ltd
Media Partners: PC Market
Linux Pliot
Supporting Organisation: Hong Kong Information Technoogy Federation

"Office Automation, Business Application and IT Infrastructure
Date October 2nd, 2003 (Thursday)
Time 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue Exhibition Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building
78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Agenda One-Stop Linux Solution for Profitable Office and Business Application
Mr. Ricky Law, Sales and Marketing Director, Thiz Technology Group Ltd.

The speaker will cover Operating System, Server, Office Suite, Groupware, Anti-virus, and essential IT applications for an enterprise to conduct business in a highly efficient and effective manner.

Fast Linux Deployment and Management Solutions give Zero Administration
Mr. David Chow, CEO, ShaoLin Microsystems Ltd.

Deploying effective Linux solutions will immediately lower your TCO by minimizing the system administration workload and cost for the enterprise. Come to learn how ShaoLin's solutions to increase your ROI and keep your systems running with the best control of your operations.

Market, HP Strategy and Enterprise Success on Linux
Mr. Andrew Ng, Solutions and Invent Center Senior Manager, Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Ltd.

Using Linux and open source technologies, thousands of enterprises have reduced costs, gain flexibility, and discovering powerful new sources of business value, Come to hear HP strategies and realistic guide to using Linux and open source technology for competitive advantage. HP helps you accurately assess the benefits, costs and migration path in your IT infrastructure.


National Day Celebration Dinner for Information Technology Industry
Date 23 September 2003 (Tuesday)
Time 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Venue Room 201, New Wing, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,
1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Participating organisation
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Federation of China Telecommunication Businesses Limited
HK Critical Components Manufacturers Association,
HK Optoelectronics Association
Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
America Hong Kong Electronics Association
The Hong Kong Procurement Professional Association
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation
Enquiry Mr. David Chow
Tel : 2352 5568
Email : [email protected]

"Networking Dinner"
Date 25 July 2003 (Friday)
Time 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Venue Maxims Palace Restaurant, New Century Plaza, Mongkok Train Station.
Organizers America Hong Kong Electronics Association
Participating organisation
HK Critical Components Manufacturing Association,
HK Optical Electronics Association
Hong Kong Linux Industry Association

eGovernment Summit Hong Kong 2003
Date 15-16 July 2003 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Time 10:00am - 5:00pm
Venue Level 6, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, Phase 1 (Old Wing)
1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Organizers IDG World Expo (Asia) Ltd.
Booth HKLIA Booth at 7A01

Annual Dinner and Inauguration Ceremony of Executive Committee
Date 23 May, 2003 (Friday)
Time 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue 14/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Guest of Honour Mr. Alan Siu
Deputy Secretary of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau

Hong Kong Linux Industry Association First Annual General Meeting
Date 18th January, 2003, Saturday
Time 11:00am - 01:00pm
Venue Asian Solutions Centre, HKPC, Kowloon Tong

Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo 2003
Date 19-22 February 2003 (Wed - Sat)
Venue Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Wanchai, HK
Booth No. C28, Linux Pavilion
HKLIA, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Exhibitors Clever Motion Technology Limited
Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
Hong Kong Linux User Group
EDI22 Ltd.
Thiz Technology Group
WebForce (HK) Ltd.
Wresinux Technology Limited


Copyright© 2003 Hong Kong Linux Industry Association Limited