Open Source Applications for Windows XP

Following softwares are free to be downloaded. It can be installed and run on Windows XP.

Name of Applications
Download Links
Mescribbler Community Electronic Medical Record
TherapyDoc Clinical documentation system for clinics providing Physical & Occupational Therapy
Sugar CRM Customer Relationship Management
OpenERP Enterprise Resources Planning
OrangeHRM Human Resources Management
Openproj Project Management
FireFox Browsing
GIMP Photo Editing
Paint.Net Photo Editing
Inkscape Graphics application
Open Office Document, spread sheet and presentation
Symphony Document, spread sheet and presentation
AVG Anti Virus, anti spy and anti rootkit
Pdf Creator Create PDF files
Thunderbird Email client
NVU Edit website
Audacity recording and editing sounds
MPlayer DVD Ripping/ Video Conversion
VLC Video Player
Media Coder DVD Ripping/ Video Conversion
Filezilla FTP/SFTP
PeaZip Archiving
aMSN Chat Clients
Blender 3D Graphic and Modeling
Handbrake DVD Ripping
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